Monday, May 10, 2010

Fire, Ready, Aim

Definitely not for the squeamish. Full story here.

Link to video from here or click on the image above. We used to do this during prohibition early last century. Turned out the treatment was worse than the disease. But this is what happens when you give a bureaucrat a hammer: eventually everything starts to look like a nail.

I'd recommend you follow up the video above with this and then this.

Nice work Detectives. Dig in someone's trash. Work from an informant tip. Then combine the resources of 3 police officers and 8 SWAT members to kick in someone's door, shoot their dogs and make an arrest that ends up with a what? "Dropped charges of possession of marijuana and second-degree child endangerment for a guilty plea to possession of drug paraphernalia."


Uhhhh...because there wasn't any drugs in the house.

Child endangerment 'cause dad might smoke weed? Really? Are you kidding me? Compared to nearly a dozen officers firing off seven rounds in a 1500sf house? Is a lung full of puff really more dangerous than semi-automatic armed, Kevlar-wrapped police officers hopped up on adrenalin? Who exactly is putting children in danger?

Nice trophy.

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