Thursday, February 25, 2010

Whistle While You Work

If you look closely and squint, the above pattern kinda resembles the splatter resulting from the beating of a dead horse. Image above links to the software that makes it possible.

Why might this be interesting? For comparing dead horse splatter circa 2009 to splatter circa 2010. Perhaps journal files from the same project by two team members (one in CM and the other in DLM) would speed the analytic process significantly and make a really interesting visual comparison.

Even interesting enough to make a t-shirt.


Jason Grant said...

That is fascinating but will the journal files really be able to replicate the mouse clicks so that the program can graph it? I did not but a use2009 T but I think I would have to get this one if you do it.

Colin Stanley said...

Could be irrefutable evidence of more picks n' clicks in DLM... I would like to see it...

brad said...

I would be curious to see your 2009 and 2010 horse splatter. Of course one must also accompany this sort of analysis with an understanding of what a user is thinking about. For example is the UI forcing its use from subconscious to a conscious event (which would mean your user is forced to think about the activity rather than the outcome = the UI equivalent of trying to sustain a thought whilst being beaten over the head with a 2x4). A not totally accurate way to find at least a hint of this would be to somehow map the time events are logged in your journal file along with the cursor paths. In some of the flickr images from iographica, you can see hints at indecision in the mouse paths where they go from being crisp straight lines between points to being meandering paths. I suspect you would find a lot of 2x4 beating in your 2010 journals.