Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday Reprieve #19

Just a little binger to brighten your Friday. If you're like me, it's cold, grey, and icy. Which means you can't bike. Which is always a bummer. So, in the dull drums of winter, I've found this most excellent bike website. Rapha. It's what Apple would be if they sold bicycles. Purely glorious. You're not buying a bike, you're buying into the lifestyle and the brand. (Cyclist is the one on the bridge. that little dot. probably carrying an iphone)

What's funny about that? Nothing. But I like it and I wanted to share, so stick it.

However, if you're looking for the joke here I've found this other blog clearly written by the children of modern architects. Why the children of them? Because if you read between the lines, they must have been strict modernist, elitist architect parents - maybe even as bad as studio professors - to raise a child who thinks this way. Welcome the Unhappy Hipsters.


Phil Read said...

Dude. That is epic. I'd buy the book and put it on my Ying Yang Coffee table.

Tim Ridenour said...

I just found "Unhappy Hippsters" about a week ago and I can't stop admiring the humor. It's everything I've wanted to say but couldn't bring myself to. I'm a coward but I'm good with that. Oh and I look forward to you blog posts too. Keep up the good work!