Friday, July 8, 2011

Generative Design and Parametric Structures

The July 2011 meeting of the New York City Revit Users Group featured a presentation by Robert Otani, PE, LEED AP and Jonatan Schumacher from Thornton Tomasetti.

By creating a collaborative dialog with the designer at the conceptual phase, the architectural, engineering & fabrication models can be developed simultaneously from the same geometric reference model, allowing a holistic design process.  Robert and Jonatan elaborate on this concept with case studies of actual project work with a variety of architectural firms.

Thornton Tomasetti (TT) is an internationally recognized engineering company whose computational geometry and automation team works at the forefront of advanced practices.  TT utilizes a wide range of commercially available as well as customized digital tools and automation procedures to model, simulate, and optimize engineering projects of various scales worldwide.

Note: The TT presenters begin about 7 minutes into the recording.


gverma said...

One of the premium developer from INDIA.

we dropped the idea of using BIM as its not a fully developed technology & there is not much of a value we could drive from BIM for High Rise Residential townships.

Even one Architect from USA stated to us "technology is not widely accepted in the west too".

Is this true?

Phil Read said...

Hi Gverma,
The car you drive, the computer you work with, the cell phone you text on, the plane you fly in....all developed by merging 3D geometry and data - which is the essence of BIM.
All other industries that manufacture understand the value of merging 3D and data in order to speed planning, lower costs and improve communication. The technology is well-developed and used on some of the most complex projects around the world.
So I suspect it isn't about the capability of BIM - but the capability of your Architect.