Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I'm speechless. Blown away by the clean lines and modest use of space.
I'm stunned by the deliberate order and discipline. None of sculptural blob making shit that's passing for well-considered design decisions.
In my humble opinion.
Looks like around 5ksf.
What? Even the kids have to share a bathroom?
Classic. So well done. More images via Gizmodo.
Thank you thank you thank you BCJ.
In an age of oversize-mcmansioned-mediocre-stuccoed-cobblestone-faux-crap that screams how money so seldom accounts for taste and elegance and quiet simplicity. You guys have taken the better path.
Thank you.
Architectural students take note.
You can actually practice architecture without turning into a "whateverputsmoremoneyinmypocketwhore" :)
There is still hope.
Fuck Peter Keating.
Long live Peter Bohlin.
Update: More info on Steve's casa via MacRumors


Anonymous said...

Got to love those Revit elevation tags. lol Good to see iHouse designed on windoz ;-)

5000sqft + $8.45M = ~$1700usd/sqft
or for the majority of the world ~$18200usd/m2 (WTF!!)

While you have to appreciate the efficient use of space, what's up with the cost?
I could make a quip about being just another example of overpriced Apple hardware... but that would be beneath me...lol

Anonymous said...

I wonder which tool would have been more important to the design process... Site Tools, or Adaptive Components? Well considered integration with site? Or funky blobs?

@Guy. It's BCJ. I think they run Revit on Windows on BootCamp on Macs. Windows is doing little more than hosting Revit. Just sayin'.

RobiNZ said...

But really, is this house that remarkable?

I look at it and think not really... but then remember, it's in America.

As for the cost, maybe it's a monolithic structure milled from a single alloy billet?

MrCamper said...

Jobs should so keep the old pipe organ from the original estate house....

Eddy Krygiel said...


In my past life, I used to build and repair pipe organs for the Reuter Organ Company out of Lawrence, KS. Pipe organs can be a thing of beauty, but Jobs tried to give it away at one point - seems there were no takers.

now, going from 17,000 sq ft to only 5,000 is quite a remarkable downsizing.

Blue Jay said...

This kind of reminds me of the 'not so big house' philosophy of Sarah Susanka. A concise design but with high quality finishing and craftsmanship.


I wonder if he will be bringing over some child labour from China to build it and then flood his flora and pristine water sources with lead and mercury?

Dave Pollard said...

I agree Phil - well played BCJ!
I am disappointed however in the BCJ/Apple response to the new store in Chicago. It is a fantastic location for one of their 'jewel box' stores, but instead they create a massive metal wall along a pedestrian thoroughfare. Kind of a bummer:

Anonymous said...

This house its made with Revit?