Monday, January 17, 2011

In Stores Now!

"Freeborn" is third Flat Tires album in four years. There's a lot of new work and a few live versions from previous efforts. Clint, Bryon, Jeremy and Scott work incredibly hard at daytime jobs and then get in a van and drive 1600 miles between a Friday afternoon and a Sunday night.

CD here.
iTunes here.
YouTube here.

Definitely old school. Definitely NSFW (double check your headphones are plugged in first).

Booking east coast shows and headed west.

Latest efforts have involved getting social media firing on all cylinders. A big part of that is getting all the events moved over from MySpace, which has been imploding over the past few months to Facebook (here's the link to their official page) so there's on calendar for coordinating show/date/location.

Email for bookings: They like to be booked out at least 2-3 month in advance.

Would love to get these guys to Japan, New Zealand and Australia. Probably headed to Europe first. Old Zealand awaits!

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