Wednesday, March 10, 2010

So Sleepy...

And instead of going to sleep...just one more read of email, news, blog posts, waitwhatsthis?!

Ever wanted to control your PC or Mac from your iPhone?

Seems now you can. For free (non-commercial use).

Link from image above to TeamViewer app.


Update (like 5 minutes later).

First I downloaded and installed this:

Which I then started to get this (codes not shown):

Then plugged the codes into the iPhone app and within a few seconds saw this:

That's my desktop. On my iPhone. Dang.

Looks like I'll be installing this on all the computers at home this weekend. The TeamViewer web app works across computers as well.

Another stupideasywonderful thing.


1 comment:

ixxx69 said...

Very cool, thanks for sharing.

I've been using LogMeIn for desktop to desktop for the last couple years... but the iphone app is $30! so I've never tried it.

I'm finding the connection setup of TeamViewer to be not particularly intuitive, but once it's setup, it seems a lot faster to log in and seems a bit faster overall. Nice!