Feel free to post comments / user experiences. I've got a laptop in the office that will have all the necessary apps. I just need to tunnel over.
I'll be experimenting with this during the next few weeks. In the same office, from other offices and from home.
Save yourself the trouble and heartache. Buy a dell xps1530 with a solidstate HD for less money than a basic Mac laptop. ;-)
Don't you have to have a PC on the network somewhere though? We used to use RDC for some office database software that is PC based and was installed on a windows server... it was pretty awful though so I'm not convinced about running Revit remotely on a windows server... unless I have misunderstood the RDC page...
Let us know what you think. I'm guessing since you didn't show this one to me Thursday at LFRT, that the jury's still out on it?
I'm getting a macbook for the office and will try all three to see what's easiest and has the most bells an whistles that I'll need.
...but I'll let you know what I think.
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